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A special weekend, the visit in Brussels, a birthday part...

21st until 24th of June 2024

Mon Jun 24 2024, 9:10:22 pm CET The work week starts again after an absolutely fantastic weekend. It was however, in a positive way, a bit weird atmosphere. Unusual, is probably a better word to describe it.

We had our neighbour ladies over for dinner on Friday night, then Saturday we drove to Brussels to meetup with friends that we have not met in ages. It was great to catchup with them again, a really nice time in Overijse with friend J's in her new house together with friend E. and their boyfriends. Then after that we had to head back home to be in time for the next appointment - namely brother in-law's birthday party. It was a very busy Saturday, but it was a really nice day!

Yesterday I took the time to fly with my drone. It was finally great weather for it and I could also check the solar panels on the roof. Check out the drone flight here:

solar panel inspection flight 

The DJI flight

Finally I could take out my DJI drone for a flight and compile a little video clip in Shotcut. It was a nice flight spanning from 30 cm to 52 meters above the ground.

Now, I plan to get out and take my call during a walk.

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Mon Jun 24 2024, 3:05:08 pm CET Did you know that today in 843 is when the Vikings sack the French city of Nantes Read more about it on Wikipedia..

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson