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Global Deadlines and Digital Milestones: A Week in the Fa...

19th until 21st of August 2024

Thu Aug 22 2024, 12:19:37 am CET It's been an ordinary beginning of the week, nothing too exceptionally things to mention. Very busy at work, so nothing really new there. It seems that I am running around and "putting out fires" and have no time for anything new. I am actually struggling these days to find time to drive to the office. I am just too much into supporting 3 timezones - India in the morning, Europe during the day and US in the evening...

I have something to celebrate ! I was rather surprised to learn that I surpassed 10 000 pageviews in July 2024 on . If I may brag a little bit, it was actually 14 000 views page view statisticsI proudly present you with a snipped from the message from Cloudflare with the fantastic news! to be precise. I moved the site to new service not too long ago and I received the statistics sent to me from Cloudflare.

OK, now I have to go to bed. It is really late, but I just wanted to do a quick update. The plan was to take some time earlier for some updates on the site as I was home alone this evening. Instead I got caught up in chores and driving J. to Antwerp. His first exam starts tomorrow - there are actually two of them tomorrow. I am really curious how it will go for him. Anyway, take care out there and "read me soon"...

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Wed Aug 21 2024, 11:34:50 pm CET Did you know that today in 1772 is when King Gustav III Read more about it on Wikipedia. completes his coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of parliamentary rule in Sweden and installing himself as an enlightened despot.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson