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Unexpected Detours: Family Adventures, Home Projects, and...

4th July until 6th of August 2024

Tue Aug 6 2024, 7:20:23 pm CET For just a while ago we learned that J.'s and K.'s flight from Prague got cancelled! They were supposed to be home with us tonight around 22:00 o'clock. But, thus that is not going to happen. The flight was completely cancelled due to technical reasons flight statusHere is the initial information I discovered some time before it was known by the group... note the time of the screenshot 18:13 o'clock.. Now, they - all 9 (one of them had booked with another aviation company) of them - are looking for a hotel for the night and it seems they will enjoy another night in the area of the castle of Prague. Maybe not the most practical solution, but let's see how it goes... the benefit of a doubt, as they say.

For us, the parents, we have prepared and done some stuff around the house. I even took some time to do some 3D printing today. I have investigated and printed replacements of bicycle valve caps for my father in law and also something (a surprise) to give to J. when he is back as a symbol on what to come. J. has now an extreme tight schedule to follow to study for his exams. The tight schedule is even tighter with the cancellation of the flight, he is loosing two days in reality.

When we where in Stockholm it just happened by chance (really strange as well) that I found the shop called Brobergs. It is really a "gentlemen's" shop selling cigars and pipes (with all accessories). It just happened that I bought some pipe tobacco. I don't really know why, but it just kind of happened...and here peterson pipe tobaccoOK, so by chance I bought this one... it is. It is really becoming a new hobby of mine. I love looking up new pipes and tobacco, the philosophy of pipe smoking is something that really attract me. Am I getting old? Well, I feel that it is something that really is me.

We also have enjoyed some unpretentious, mini excursion on Sunday. You have to see it as a micro-, even macro-, holiday. Even if it is a walk in your garden, it can be a mental holiday... Once you do not see the magic in the little you have serious problems. Take your spouse and the loved ones by the hand and guide them out in the magic of nature. Once that stops your life is over. No question. In our case, we were invited for a breakfast in the castle of Rivierenhof by my parents in law. The walk in the park after the breakfast was mentally transformed into a little macro holiday which is exactly what was needed before the busy work week.

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Sat Aug 3 2024, 3:00:00 pm CET Did you know that today in 1661 is when the Treaty of The Hague Read more about it on Wikipedia. is signed by Portugal and the Dutch Republic.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson