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Exam Update & Swedish Delight

4th and 5th of Sep 2024

Thu Sep 5 2024, 2:13:46 pm CET We just heard from J (he is still in Knokke at the seaside) about his results from the exams, brilliant result, he has done a really strong performance. It's only one which might be a problem, questionable if he needs to retake it.

I started writing a post yesterday but never got around to upload it. When I had the time it was just too late and I prioritized going to bed instead. We enjoyed the evening together, we discovered a Swedish classic (at least for me in my youth) Räkost cheese with scrimps,swedenThis is the good stuff! Räkost really brings back memories from my childhood. We brought it with us on the boat during summer holidays. (cream cheese with scrimps) on crispbread Read more about it on Wikipedia..

OK, that is the update that I have time for now. Hopefully, there will be more time later.

Thu Sep 5 2024, 10:30:31 pm CET The workday is done and the evening joy can start - too much to do in too little time however. Don't get me wrong, that is the perfect balance, better to have too many options/hobbies than the other way around. We had a call with J. who sounded very tired, but happy. He is content, is the correct word. The results of the exams and the amazing time with his friends on the seaside. He called us while waiting for the train to his girlfriend K.

I am still checking and reading up on tobacco pipes. It's really fascinating. Last night I watched a Youtuber that I follow who is talking about his tobacco pipes. Anyway, since I am looking for a new tobacco pipe to buy, I noticed that there is a "end of summer sale" at 15% off on all and I have found that one of my favourite pipes - the Savinelli 321 - is in a fantastic price. It is not as expensive as the tobacco pipes that I found here exclusive tobacco pipesThese are just amazingly nice! But I don't know if I am ready to spend 3000 EUR just yet.... We will see what happens...

OK, we are going to bed now. It is the strangest weather, it is constantly lightning here without thunder. Isn't that strange..? J. and K. are sending us small video clips about the same phenomena.

Did you know that..? I try to find an interesting historical event that occurred on this day. Thu 5 Sep 2024, 1:43:42 pm CET Did you know that today 1944 is when Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg constitute Benelux Read more about it on Wikipedia..

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-Bill Watterson