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Back to reality, but what a wonderful time we had...

27th July until 3rd of August 2024

Sat Aug 3 2024, 3:01:47 pm CET We arrived back from the Sweden trip, I worked two days (Thursday and Friday of last week) and the youths already left on another trip to Prague. The month of July passed by so quickly, it is already August. I am pretty sure the fantastic holiday we had has something to do with it.

With the delayed flight from Sweden, we only arrived home very late, we finally crawled in bed at around 02:00 on Thursday morning. I was working a few hours later... On Friday morning we had to get up at 03:40 to drive the youths to the airport in Eindhoven. Luckily it went very smooth without any issues to speak of. Other than the fact that we were all very tired...obviously. We have had the first update from them that all the friends - all 10 of them - arrived to the destination safe and sound.

We have been busy unpacking, cleaning and doing the practical things that must be done when returning home after being away. Not always the most fun things to do, it is like coming back to work from holiday and having to deal with all the emails etc. One of the things I did was off-loading all the pictures from the phone, you then see the pictures and remember back to the times and places they were taken. We have done so many nice things but it feels like ages ago... I will share some pictures to give you an idea about the times on the fantastic island of Madeira and the great times we had in Sweden. Here is the first, showing the beautiful little cottage madeira calhau holidayThis is the cottage called calhau grande (it means "big rock") where we stayed. Note the fantasttic terrace; all the flowers and the colours in the garden. It was great coming out on the terrace every morning enjoying the coffee and the spectacular views. where we stayed in Madeira. I will for sure contemplate many times back on this holiday! More to come, be sure!

Sat Aug 3 2024, 4:18:34 pm CET Something on a more technical, IT related level I thought I would share with you, is that I am testing a new browser. It has been around for a while for MacOS (with MacOS version dependency) but it was recently released for Windows as well. The web browser called Arc Browser Read more about this new fascinating webbrowser here. by the company called "The Browser Company". Yes, that is really the name of the company. So far - I only installed it yesterday - it looks very interesting and promising as I am more for the minimalistic and streamlined approach. Another web browser that I am using - mostly on Linux (it is actually my default browser on my Linux Mint, Cinnamon installation) - is the streamlined Thorium Browser My default browser on my Linux machine..

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Sat Aug 3 2024, 3:00:00 pm CET Did you know that today in 1527 is when the first known letter from North America is sent by John Rut Read more about him on Wikipedia. while being at St. John's, Newfoundland.

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson