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Escape Room and Birthday Celebrations

29th of June until 1st of July 2024

Mon Jul 1 2024, 2:48:31 pm CET The work-week started after the fully planned weekend that was. It was busy weekend in a laid back way, I think describes the weekend the best. Today the coffee tasted especially good. Greatness in a mug...

I just left off in the last post about meeting up with friends for the planned Escape room and dinner evening. H. and I parked the car in Antwerp and met up with friends M. and B. for a quick drink. Then we went to the Escape room which is called Kraakfabriek The Kraakfabriek in Antwerp is the best of Escape rooms so far. We did The Heist. Read more about it here. for further adventures. It was great fun, and yes, we managed to get out with the diamond in our possession.

We were invite to J's girlfriend's parent home for her birthday. She'd planned out her birthday party to the tiniest detail. We met and socialist with the family properly for the first time. We met with family members and the relatives and had a very nice time. We were back again at around 22 o'clock after the hour drive it takes.

Did you know that today in ... is when ... Randomly picked historical events that occurred on this day. Mon Jul 1 2024, 2:46:18 pm CET Did you know that today is International Joke Day read more about it here..

"The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us."
-Bill Watterson